Saturday, October 31, 2009

1850: Veldig jevnt

1850 31. oktober, sannsynligvis 2009.

(1) Jonar: Credit for 55, Grant Brothers for 70, Land grant til 105,.
(2) Are-Harald
(3) Joakim: Bro for 50.
(4) Ida
(5) Tor: Den til 160 til 190.
(6) Tina: Mining til 60 står det i notatene, må ha vært 90.

A1: Tina starter Northern Pacific til 68. Jonar og AH passer. Joakim starter Rock Island til 82, diplomatisk skår for Tor som får uttelling for gratisaksjen sin. Ida hjelper Tina igang.

A2: Ida tar over Northern Pacific. Tor og Tina kjøper Northern Pacific.

Rock Island kommer til Milwaukee. Northern når destinasjon.

A3: Jeg dumper alt og starter katy. Rock redeemer og suges opp.

O3: 1x2-tog i bordet. 3-er kjøpes av Katy.

A4: Katy suges opp. Jeg skulle starta Milwaukee, har jeg skrevet.

O4: Katy tjener 90, Rock 140, Northern 100. Runde 2, Rock 160, Northern 210, Katy 120.

A5: Jonar, privatmagnaten, starter Milwaukee. Har klart seg bra med tre privates grunna treig start, med få startups fordi vi er 6. Ida starter Great Northern. Joakim har 2x Great Northern. Mye usolgte aksjer. Jonar fikk hjelp i Milwaukee.

O5: Firer kommer andre runde. Toere har vart veldig lenge. Rock har kun tre toere og mister alle tog. Jonar kjøper 2x3-tog, selger ikke ut privates.

Inntjening runde 1: Northern Pacific 240, Katy 210, Rock 0, 120 tas inn i Great Northern, 160 i Milwaukee.

A6: Jonar pri. Tor starter Chicago. Tina starter Mopac.

Loddet er nå kasta. Kun Minneapolis og UP ustarta. Tor har det eneste gule selskapet, pluss Chicago nystarta i 100. Limit er 9, gult -> vinn?

Jeg skulle starta et selskap for å gule nå, har jeg skrevet. Tor gjør avtale med mopac om skinnelegging som er veldig bra for han.

Jonar, Joakim og Ida har grunn til å starte, men lar være, har jeg skrevet.

O6: Tor lar være å tømme for å presse tog. Femmer går 2. runde

A7: Tina har pri, starter UP, etter tenkepause. Jonar starter Soo.

Seksere kommer med nye selskap. Tina har to femmere. Jeg må selge en aksje for å kjøpe åtter. Joakim og Ida er uten tog, Joakim konker nesten, blir sittende igjen med tre aksjer. (Tror det var denne runden jeg råda han til å dumpe på Tor litt tidligere i spillet, noe han da ikke gjorde.) Ida måtte selge litt, men ikke i sitt eget.
Tor måtte også selge for å sikre sekser i Northern.

Jonar har Sooline med sekser, og gule Milwaukee med sekser.
Are-Harald har 80% i Katy med åtter.
Joakim har Rock med en åtter og er nesten konk.
Ida har 80% i Northpac med åtter.
Tor har Chicago med en femmer.
Tina har 50% i gule Great Northern, som har en sekser.

Så skriver jeg også at Tina har mest penger og to femmere, sikkert ikke alle selskap som er ført opp over.

Masse tokens på kartet og lav inntjening.

A8: 3 rock, 1 nopac, 3 mopac i pool, resten solgt.

A9: Alt selges ut. Tina har posisjonert seg for 12-er, men dropper dette etter råd.

1. Are-Harald 5166
2. Tor 5148
3. Ida 5062
4. Jonar 5020
5. Tina 4320 (lav aksjeverdi, litt lite kontanter)
6. Joakim 2121

Veldig, veldig jevnt, må være den jevneste runden vi har spilt, med 146 penger mellom første og fjerdeplass.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

1856: Sammenpakking på Chaos

1856 14. juli 2009

(1) Jonar: Den til 50 for 65, bro for 130.
(2) Tor Ivar: Shipping for 105, tunnel for 125.
(3) Are-Harald: De to billigste fo.r 20+45.
(4) Tor

A1: Tor LPS. Jonar GW. Tor Ivar CA. Are-Harald GT.

O1: Første treer selges på siste selskap, GT får 1x2-tog og 1x3-tog.

A2: Lite skjer.

O2: CA tar inn.

A3: Tor har pri, starter CV. Jonar og Tor Ivar starter ikke - bare horder. AH starter THB. LPS selges ut. GT og CP dumpes langt ned. Tor-boost, har jeg skrevet.

O3: LPS full av penger, og tunnel, og havn. Tjener 180 på 2x2-tog. Tor vurderer tømming av CA og dumping på meg. Vi oppdager at brunt kommer med femmertog, ikke med firertog. Jeg presser fram firer i siste runde.
Tor tok ikke lån i GW første runde. Andre runde er han tom for tog og må selge aksjer. Tor guler CV.

A4: Ingen starter. Tor Ivar har 50% i LPS. Jeg selger THB og kjøper GT.

A5: Tor dumper LPS togløst på Tor Ivar. Jonar støtter Tors BBG-starting.

A6: 6-er i bordet, vil Jonar starte?

Fra 1856 juli 2009

Om fete togparker og mødre, rett før avrunding:

Bilder av hendene til de fire spillerne:

Fra 1856 juli 2009

Fra 1856 juli 2009

Tor Ivar:
Fra 1856 juli 2009

Fra 1856 juli 2009

Og det var alt vi rakk. Dette var den runden vi måtte pakke ned på Chaos.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

1856: Tor tjener penger

1856 12.-14. juli 2009

(1) Tor Ivar: Den til 40 til 45, tunnel 115.
(2) Are-Harald: Den til 20.
(3) Jonar: Bro til 105.
(4) Tor: Den til 50 til 55, shipping 100.

Jonar starter først WR. Tor starter GW. Tor Ivar starter LPS. AH starter GT.

Fra 1856 juli 2009

Toerne selges ut, jeg får treer. Skrevet kommentar: Er det bra? Toerne varer lenge, privates tjener mye penger, lånte penger brukes til å kæsje ut privates.

3. aksjerunde: Tor starter CA. Jonar starter THB.

Toerne forsvinner, de fikk kjøre 3-4 ganger.

Fra 1856 juli 2009

4. aksjerunde: AH starter CV, Tor Ivar starter CPR.

Ved start A5:
Fra 1856 juli 2009

Are-Harald starter BBG, når det er to femmere i bordet.

Ved slutten av en seinere aksjerunde, trolig A6:

Helt mot slutten kjøper jeg en haug med dieseltog for å få ting til å vare litt lenger:

Latterlig CGR-inntjening på slutten:

Tor vant suverent med avsindig inntjening på slutten, og det blei lite tid til å kjøpe diesel.

Monday, February 23, 2009

1870 at Café Chaos, Bergen, 21.02.2009

It's been a long time now since we got together for some traingaming, but this saturday we got four people together at our regular gaming spot, Café Chaos. The planned fifth member could not make it due to an emergency in his apartment involving water and roofing. I told Tor, the organiser, to get 6 people the next time in order to have headroom for contingencies. Well, not that it is too important, 1870 makes a mighty fine four-player game, as we experienced this day.

The players, in priority order:
(1) Tor. Owns all the games and organise. Has a tendency of pulling the 1-chit.
(2) Are-Harald. Yours Truly.
(3) Tor Ivar The Faceless as can (not) be seen on the pictures that will eventually come online.
(4) Jonar. Rookie with only 4 18xx-games on his track prior to this one.

Pictures: Slideshow gallery or just start here and then browse forward.

All bids +5/minimum.
Tor(1) Frisco
Me(2) bridge
Tor-Ivar(3) Frisco
Jonar(4) gulf
Tor(1) cattle
Me(2) - My evil plan from the start was to get the bridge and sit on it, wreaking the mississippi-dependant companies. I could now get the bridge for 45 if I bought the 20 private. Staring myself blind and being low on rutine I do just that.
bridge sells to ME!!
cattle sells to Tor(1)
gulf sells to Jonar(4
Frisco bidding war - Tor-Ivar(3) gets it for 200, then proceeds to buy the Katy private for 160. Oh noes! My fault, I didn't take responsibility, I should have foreseen this and bid on the Katy private. Katy private for 160 should not be allowed to happen in a 4-player game, and definetly not to a player in control of Frisco.

Stock Round 1:
Jonar(4) has PD and starts GMO @ 72.
Tor(1) starts Katy @ 90. Starting Katy gives Tor-Ivar(3) with the Frisco and Katy private even more value. Wise, Tor?
Me(2) - I realise I can outbuy Frisco from Tor-Ivar(3), correcting some of my bad play in the private company round, and start doing so.
Tor-Ivar(3) - goes to 30% in Frisco

Operating Round 1
With control of Frisco, and sitting on Tor-Ivar's(3) right hand, I decide to sabotage the company and dump it back on him. I build crappy tiles and buy 4x2-trains.
Katy gets 1x2-train.
GMO gets 2x2-trains, 1x3-train and cash out the gulf private.

Stock Round 2:
I dump the messed-up Frisco on Tor-Ivar(3)! More than mildly annoyed, he sell himself down to 20%. Jonar(4), full with cash from selling the gulf private to GMO, then buys himself up to get control of Frisco! Everyone is baffled, this was a lot of action within a short time frame. Should I have managed Frisco properly instead of sabotaging it and dumping it? Should Tor-Ivar(3) have given up control? Should Jonar(4) have bought it up? Frisco is abit messed up but he got a company with >$500 for less than $200.
Tor-Ivar(3) gets 4xKaty stocks.
I start Santa Fe @ 72.

Operating Round 2:
Standard early-game builds and purchases. Santa Fe gets 2x3-trains. Katy runs with 1x2 and 1x3-trains. Frisco remains messed up, I guess for myself that Jonar(4) does not have the outine to get synergies from two companies but do not give advice since he seems to be incredibly well-off :-P Jonar(4) controls 7 trains - 4x2 in messed-up Frisco and 2x2 and 1x3 in GMO.

In a four-player game, the gulf private is very strong, since you can get it and still start GMO alone. With the port GMO can make a strong cash machine early in the game - as we saw here.

Stock Round 3:
Tor-Ivar(3) dumps 4xKaty @ 110 and gets Illinois Central @ 82. Illinois starts close to the GMO hub. An unusual early startup in our games.
Tor(1) lets Katy redeem one stock and goes to 60% for himself. I have one Katy stock and the last one is in the open market.

Operating Round 3:
Illinois cash out the Katy private, gets 1x3-train which leaves 1x3-train on the table. No more train purchases. Mississippi is blocked and I do the evil chuckle hugging the bridge private, while my Santa Fe and Tor's(1) Katy rush for our deep south destination.

Stock Round 4:
Jonar(4) starts Burlington @ 72 for the money he got from the GMO cash machine.
Tor(1) redeems the Katy stock in the open market, and now controls 90% of Katy.
All stocks except three Frisco and two Burlington stocks in the initial offering are soaked up.

Operating Round 4:
1x4-train on the table at the end of the first operating round. Mississippi stays closed, GMO and Illinois heads north along its east bank. Katy and Santa Fe get connection runs. Katy earns more with its 1x3 and 1x4-trains than Santa Fe with its 2x3-trains. And cattle, Katy has cattle.

Stock Round 5:
Tor(1) starts Mopac @ 82.
Next is me. I can choose between Cotton, Texas and Southern. Cotton can be blocked with destructive play from Tor-Ivar(3) and Jonar(4), and fearing their vengeance I pick Southern and start it @ 82, planning to yellow it.
Tor-Ivar(3) starts Cotton @ 100.

Operating Round 5
Santa Fe, moving second to only Katy, buys the bridge private, cross mississippi and tokenise the Illinois starting city, blocking GMO up to its corner. I feel evil and am happy with myself. Tor-Ivar(3) could have avoided this with more routine - but thinking he is ahead of me, I take advantage.

I feel like Tor's(1) evil henchman, and I see I lag behind him. Our companies are colocated and cooperate, but he earns more, has more stocks, and better trains. I do all the mischief like sabotaging Frisco, blocking the mississippi and placing a destructive (for the two other players) token.

4-trains are sold out, Santa Fe and Illinois (IIRC) get 5-trains.

Stock Round 6:
Tor-Ivar(3) has PD and does not start!
Jonar(4) starts! Jonar(4) now has 4 companies - GMO, Burlington, a yellow Frisco and now also Texas. Jonar(4) have 2x3-trains and 2x4-trains between his three old companies.
All companies are now started, and the other players have two each:
Tor(1) with Katy and Mopac
Me with Santa Fe and Southern
Tor-Ivar(3) with Illinois and Cotton
Burlington is dumped down to 64 and is headed for yellowness. Jonar(4) ends up only owning 20% of it but noone dares buy it up since it has crap trains.

If I had started Southern @ 76 instead of 82 it would have been yellow by now, and I could have bought more stocks, but I'm so low on cash in wouldn't have mattered much. Tor(1) let Mopac, started at the same time as Southern, pay dividends. I feel very certain I will lose to him, and probably to the others too.

Operating Round 6:
2x5 on the table.
Jonar(4) let Texas buy 2x5-trains! This was probably not a good idea - 5-trains doesn't last forever ...
Mopac half-dividends and gets the first 6-train.
Southern lost its single 3-train and buys the second 6-train.
I am just a little short on cash and sit.
Illinois gets connection run.
At the start of the second round, Katy 0-dividends and gets the last 6-train. Tor(1) thus gets 2x6-trains. A dream come through?
Tor-Ivar(3) empties Cotton for trains and let it buy the first 8-train.
Jonar(4) is starting to feel the pressure of advancement in train technology. (I *think* he got one 8-train.)
Round 3 sees Tor(1) get a 10-train. 2x6(in Katy) and 1x10(in Mopac in such short time? Well done, Tor!
Tor-Ivar(3) gets the last 10-train.
I stay put with my 6 and 5 trains and realise I probably have waited too long.

Stock Round 7:
12-trains on the table. Train park is now:
Tor(1) has 2x6 and 1x10 for Katy and Mopac.
I have 1x5 and 1x6 for Santa Fe and Southern. I waited too long slash didn't make enough money at a crucial game stage.
Tor-Ivar(3) have 1x5, 1x8 and 1x10-train according to my notes.
Jonar(4) with his four companies have two permanent trains (8-trains), and will need to buy 2x12-trains if someone bursts the 5-train bubble.

I feel I am lagging behind and decide to play high-risk. I increase my ownership in GMO from 20 to 30 percent. GMO only holds 1x5-train, and a pile of cash which amount is unknown to me. GMO has a pretty high stock value, and my gamble is that Jonar(4) either will not dump it on me, or that he will not push for diesel if he does. Both conditions fail :-P

Jonar(4) dumps GMO on me, I buy all the GMO stock I can afford and feel convinced I will lose.

Operating Round 8:
With Southern having piled up some cash becoming yellow, I end up having to sell only 1 stock in GMO to finance both 12-trains.
Jonar(4) buys his 12 train with company money only.

Stock Round 8:
With three yellow companies, all remaining stocks (4xgmo and one Southern) are sold.

Operating Round 8:
The tile network being very mature and we being short of time, we stop laying tracks and count earnings one time and multiply them by 3.

End game count:
WINNER: Tor: Cash: 5671 Stock: 5896 Total: 11567
Tor-Ivar: Cash: 4668 Stock: 5588 Total: 10256
Me: Cash: 3998 Stock: 5675 Total: 9673
Jonar: Cash: 5130 Stock: 2896 Total: 8026

In retrospect:
Jonar seemed to be doing very well for a long time. He had the GMO money machine, and controlled four companies. I believe his major mistake was buying two 5-trains. If he had waited and got a 6 instead, he could most likely have gotten the last permanent train without having to sell or dump stock. By dumping GMO, a high-value company on me, he lost vital stock value which sent him to the bottom of the end result rank.
Tor played very standard and conservatively. He did no mistakes and the margins went his way. He had common interests with me, and I played destructively messing up the others.
I would probably have done better if I had stuck to Frisco and run it properly. I had my eye on a different plan. Being non-adaptive doesn't work that well in 1870. BUT - sabotaging Frisco and dumping it, as well as hugging the bridge, and the destructive token lay - it was so much fun! Definetly worth trying, even if it didn't win the game - this time.

At the pub over the beer and whiskey much later in the evening I was the big hero having brought almost unprecedentet action into the game by doing my wild moves :-D Tor talked compassionately about his beautiful Katy company - he said it was so good it was worth jerking off to - controlling 90%, 2x6-trains, top earner, $400 value at endgame.

It was a very enjoyable and exciting game for everyone and we all agreed we need to play again pretty soon!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

1870: Tors onde partner

1870 21. februar 2009

(1) Tor: Cattle 55.
(2) Are-Harald: Bro 45, den til 20.
(3) Tor Ivar: Frisco 200, Katy 160.
(4) Jonar: Shipping 85.

Are-Harald kjøpte den billigste andre runde og gav lavt prisnivå, for å sikre brua.

A1: Jonar GMO. AH kjøper mye frisco, tar over som president. Tor Katy.

O1: Frisco 4x2-tog. Katy: 1x2-tog. GMO: 2x2+3-tog, gulf ut for 160.

A2: Are-Harald, som sitter rett foran Tor Ivar, dumper Frisco på Tor Ivar, starter Santa Fe. Tor Ivar selger seg også ned i Frisco. Jonar kjøper opp og overtar Frisco.

A3: Tor Ivar selger 3xKaty, starter Illinois. AH kjøper 2xGMO. Tor kjøper Katy til seg selv og selskapet, en Santa Fe og en Frisco.

O3: Illinois kjøper katy-privaten, kjøper kun 1 tog. 1x3-tog i bordet. Jonar har 7 tog tilsammen. Ingen flere tog kjøpes første runde. Mississippi er sperra da broprivaten ikke er solgt. Katy kjøper firer i andre runde etter at GMO kjøpte den siste treeren.

A4: Jonar har pri og masse penger. Selger 2xIllinois, kjøper Burlington. Tors Katy redeemer, kontrollerer 90%. Alt utenom 2xBurre og 3xFrisco suges opp.

O4: Brua blokker. 2x4-tog i bordet, 1 når runde 1 er slutt. Katy og Santa Fe får connection run.

A5: Jonar har pri. Tor starter Mopac. AH starter Southern. Tor Ivar starter Cotton. Jeg dumper Mopac og Cotton 2 hakk.

O5: Før the big bang: GMO 250. Santa Fe legger ond token. Mopac får siste firer. Cotton en femmer. Southern kjøper treer fra Santa Fe. Runde 2, Santa Fe kjøper femmer.
Jeg vil ha Southern gule og innser at de skulle vært starta i 76, ikke 82.

A6: Tor Ivar har pri, men starter ikke. Jonar starter (må ha vært Texas), og har gul Frisco. Aksjer igjen: 2x Southern, 5 burre, 2 Frisco, 2 Texas. Jonar dumper Burlington til 64, og eier 20% - gult selskap nr 2.

Her skriver jeg at det er lite å kjøpe uten å risikere dumping, at det å ha gult derfor har liten verdi, og at Tor ligger bedre an enn meg på alle punkt.

Jonar har fire selskap. 2x3-tog, 2x4-tog. 2x5-tog i bordet.

O6: Texas kjøper 2x5-tog. Mocap splitter og kjøper sekser. Southern tom for tog og kjøper sekser. Illinois får connection. Runde 2: Katy nuller og kjøper siste sekser. Åtter i bordet, jeg har ingen firere, men for lite penger. Jonar tømmer Cotton fra Illinois og kjøper åtter.

Jonar sliter, står det i notatene. AH kan tømme for tvangskjøp og selge aksjer, men lar være. Jonar har 70% GMO, vanskelig å dumpe.

Runde 3: Tor kjøper 10-tog, har nå 2x6+10. Tor Ivar kjøper 10-tog.

Har notert at jeg venta for lenge med å kjøpe tog, og at Frisco er nær ved å stenges.

A7: AH får gmo i fanget, og tror jeg er er føkkd. Tror ikke Jonar tjener på dette, sier notatene.

1. Tor 11576
2. Tor Ivar 10256
3. Are-Harald 9673
4. Jonar 8026.

Dette var den runden jeg følte meg som Tors onde livvakt. Vi kjørte Katy og Santa Fe ilag, jeg brukte endel ressurser på destruktivt spill, det gjorde ikke han, men han fikk like stor gevinst som meg.

En av de få gangene vi har spilt med fire spillere.